Monday, October 3

Yummy Potatoes with Bacon chunks!

Yesterday I made breakfast for my family. 
Original menu was: Eggs, Strips of Bacon, Cubed Potatoes.
I started cooking up the Potatoes, when I decided to chop the bacon & combine it with the potatoes... maybe with some onion or what not. So pretty much I mixed ingredients together for this easy side. 
My <3 really enjoyed them. 

Ok, this fed 2 adults & kids.
2-3 large Potatoes (1/2 or 1 per person)
6-7 strips of Bacon (2 per person)
2 Green Onions (scallions) chopped
1 large garlic clove (minced)
1-2 Yellow peppers (chile gueros) *optional

Wash & with skins chop potatoes into small cubes. Pre heat a large skillet on medium-heat add enough Grape seed oil to cover the bottom of the pan.
(Make sure oil is hot before adding in potatoes or they will absorb to much oil.)
Cook about 10-15mins stirring frequently or until golden brown.
Drain & place on a napkin to drain excess oil. Set Aside.

Wipe skillet clean, chop bacon, & cook in the same skillet until slightly crispy.
Drain & place on napkin to remove excess oil. (Set aside)

Wipe down the same skillet again!!! Or use a clean skillet.
Add 1/2 of Grape Seed Oil.
Saute: Garlic, Green onions & yellow pepper until tender.
(the peppers gave the potatoes a kick & this is completely optional... try it!!)

Combine Potatoes & bacon with onion mixture well. Turn heat off! 

I served these alongside eggs!


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